Telephone/IVR is an important branch of voiceover work, because brands, companies, businesses, retail stores, healthcare companies and more all need to utilize messaging and recording systems to field customer service calls. Callers and customers want to feel valued and heard when they make important calls seeking important information and solving problems. Hiring a professional voiceover artist can be a helpful tool for many reasons.
Why Luca?
One reason is that professional voiceover artists have an understanding of various consumers and demographics. This helps them master your brand’s mission, tone, and message with ease. It is important to have a friendly, informative, knowledgeable, and conversational voice on the receiving end of customer service calls. Luca Papp is a professional voiceover artist with a great deal of experience in the field of Telephony and IVR.
Pre-recorded messages and caller menus should allay the stresses and concerns of callers, not exacerbate them further. Having a trustworthy and reassuring voice can make a huge difference in the customer experience. When it comes to things like frequently asked questions, voicemail recordings, on-hold clips, and marketing campaigns, having the right voice for the job can enhance the customer experience in a myriad of ways. Luca Papp’s specialized clear and concise approach always prioritizes humanity and never sounds robotic. Her approachable and professional sound will ensure that your company’s telephone services are polished and effective.
Need a voice to add the finishing touches to your project?
Do you have a project that you need voiced by someone with a professional vibe? I would love to chat with you! Feel to reach out today to request a demo, audition, or quote!